Katoon Umpapun Khumkhun
“Mae Ja, Pha Mata Pai Tiew Noi”
With her cheerful smile and those adorable chubby cheeks, Mata Matalyn brings sheer delight to all who visit the fan page “Mae Ja, Pha Mata Pai Tiew Noi” (Mommy, Take Mata to Travel). It’s impossible not to smile when we see the charming and lively little Mata! Her irresistible cuteness and endless enthusiasm shine through stunning photographs captured by her dad, Khun Tang (Wipak Pongsri), the photographer behind the scenes. And the familiar face in front of the camera belongs to her mother, Khun Katoon (Umpapun Khumkhun), or lovingly known as “Mae Ja” to Matalyn, who consistently shares their family activities on the fan page.
We had the opportunity to sit and talk with Khun Katoon, learning about the journey of the fan page ‘Mae Ja, Pha Mata Pai Tiew Noi’ from its beginning, the work done both in front of and behind the scenes, up until the present. You can now follow their fan page on Nooz.

The Origin: Tracing Back to the Lengthy Fan Page Name
Since Mata was born, I have loved buying her clothes and dressing her up in cute outfits, while her dad enjoys taking photos of her. Whenever we get new clothes for her, we head out to find a new location for a photoshoot and share the pictures on Facebook. Our friends started following us and suggested creating a fan page.
During our trip to Chiang Mai, we stayed in an old hotel. One night, with Daddy and Mata already asleep, I found myself feeling scared of the place. To distract myself, I scrolled through my social media feed and had an idea to create a fan page. At that time, Mata was around one year old and just learning to speak. She affectionately called me ‘Mae Ja (Mommy),’ which inspired the name ‘Mae Ja, Pha Mata Pai Tiew Noi (Mommy, Take Mata to Travel).’ The idea was to treat it like her travel diary and preserve family memories.
Children’s Adorable Charms: Our Fan Page
Mata’s unique characteristic is her radiant smile, and her cheerful younger brother, Minton, follows suit. As a child, she had countless funny pictures. Now, as she grew older, she became more attentive to her appearance and beauty, growing in stability and reason. She even occasionally teaches me life lessons. For example, she’d say, “Mom, you always tell me not to eat snacks in bed. Why are you doing it?” And when I’m upset, she has a special way of soothing me, saying, “Mom, it’s okay. You don’t have to be angry.”
How was the experience of working with Mata?
She is a naturally curious person, always wanting to know her schedule so she may organize her activities accordingly. She would feel more engaged during the task if she was familiar with the client’s product. She occasionally makes recommendations for the context and content. Because our work keeps us all together, even outings outside the house become our mini-adventures. The atmosphere is always playful, thanks to candid photos taken by Mata’s dad. He enjoys running around and interacting with the kids, which makes our work feel more natural and enjoyable.

Mommy, Let’s Get Ear Piercing 🙂
Around the time she turned three, Mata said she wanted to wear earrings. Stickers were placed on her ears first, after which she looked in the mirror and posed for photos. Mata became even more determined to get her ears pierced after seeing a younger foreign friend get hers done. It finally happened one day when we finished working at Siam Paragon; Mata asked to get her ears pierced, and I answered, ‘Okay, let’s do it!’
I believe that at this age, she should be explained what it means to wear pierced earrings and that they are not to be pulled or easily taken off. Moreover, she needs to know that she cannot swim for a while after getting the ear piercing. When we can see that she is prepared for this, as parents, we are ready to support her decision.
We chose NooYoo for her ear piercing because of its safety. They give us earrings in disposable sterile packaging that we must wear continuously after getting our ears pierced. In addition, we can always go to the store for any aftercare needs.
How can you best prepare for an outing with young children?
We all travel together as a family of four when we go on personal outings. However, we bring my grandmother for work-related occasions. We let Minton stay home sometimes because he tends to get sick easily. Taking a trip with young children can be exhausting and requires extra planning. We all went abroad for the first time on our family trip to Japan. We took a late flight and made an effort to keep Minton up until takeoff. Time management was very important. Thanks to Mata’s independence. She enjoyed watching cartoons during the flight as we usually restrict screen time at home.
Which do you favor more: exploring new destinations or revisiting familiar ones?
We’ve visited both old and new places as a family, and each has left a lasting impression on us. Even on revisiting places, we have never felt the same. Exploring new and unexpected places, on the other hand, gives us special excitement, especially when we see the genuine joy on our children’s faces. Their reactions to new situations are always delightful and unpredictable. However, it is the special moments we experience as a family during these vacations that make it genuinely delightful and unforgettable.

What are your impressions since creating the page?
At first, we both tried to balance full-time work with 24/7 parenting, but it was nearly impossible. Creating and managing the page has brought our family together. Running the Facebook fan page keeps us busy with activities like photo editing, content creation, client engagement and facebook page administration, all of which we do ourselves. We only assign specific assignments to freelancers. We sought assistance only after having Minton.
The benefit is that we get to spend all of our time together. Mata has no recollection of Dad having to leave for work or Mom working elsewhere. Now that we are all part of the Matalyn Company, going to work feels like embarking on an adventure that combines work and pleasure. Although managing the kids or meeting client demands for product concepts might be demanding at times, the joy we find in being together overcomes the challenges.
Creating this fan page allows us to pursue our passions and do what we love. What simply began as doing what we love has exceeded all our expectations, bringing us such delightful experiences. And that is the true benefits for us.
Join in on the cheerful and joyful moments with Matalyn and Minton. Follow them on..
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Instagram mata_matalyn
Youtube matamatalyn7796
TikTok @mata_matalyn